Skin Cancer Screening

3 Tips For Choosing The Best Moisturizer

Keeping your skin moisturized is extremely important to protect yourself from skin diseases and to keep yourself looking young. However, most people simply choose the most appealing product on the shelf without thinking about what they're putting on their skin. To help you avoid this, consider the three tips below:

Don't Focus on Price

People often make the mistake of believing that expensive products are higher quality. This is actually a common tactic used in marketing– by inflating the price of a product, people subconsciously believe that it is a worthy purchase. As such, they can actually be misled into buying an expensive product that just doesn't deliver on quality.

When it comes to skincare, you need to keep this in mind . Skincare products aren't always what they say they are, and often manufacturers can be guilty of making false promises. Rather than focusing on the price and what it says on the label, you need to look more closely at the ingredients contained in the moisturizer. If you have oily skin, keep an eye out for moisturizers with high dimethicone and glycolic acid content. For dry, flaky skin, you need to be on the look out for glycerin and ceramides.

Whatever type of skin you have, make sure you research the best ingredients and choose a moisturizer accordingly. By focusing on the ingredients rather than cost, you may also grab yourself a bargain when shopping!

Check for Sun Screen

Many people believe that sun screen is only for summer holidays, but this isn't the case. In fact, sunscreen is often considered to be the most important part of a good moisturizer as it protects you from skin damage and, potentially, skin cancer.

Sunscreen works by blocking out the ultraviolet rays from the sun that act to pull moisture from your face. If left unchecked, this can cause your skin to become dry and flaky, and you may start to notice wrinkles over time.

If you live in a particularly sunny area, chances are you already wear sunscreen every day to keep your skin protected. However, you can make this job easier by choosing a moisturiser that comes loaded with the correct ingredients. For UV protection, dermatologists recommend that you use a moisturizer with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or above. The SPF of a moisturizer is a parameter that describes how well a particular lotion will protect you from UV rays, so the higher this is, the better!

Give It a Sniff

When it comes to choosing a moisturizer, smell is particularly important. The best moisturizers on the market also smell great, which is particularly useful if you are going to be wearing it all day! However, when it comes to smell, the fragrance contained in a moisturizer can actually have a much more significant impact, as these additives can trigger allergic reactions or rashes. As such, it's important to understand the difference so you can make the best decision.

There are broadly three types of moisturizer available on the market – scented, fragrance-free and unscented. You may think the latter two are the same thing, but they are actually quite different. Fragrance-free lotions are moisturizers that do not contain any artificial fragrances. However, this does not mean that they contain absolutely no fragrances – rather, naturally occurring ingredients may act as a fragrance, and this may not be acknowledged.

Unscented differs in the fact that it may contain fragrance additives. Typically, these moisturizers contain phthalates that act to mask the chemical smell from the product. In some cases, unscented moisturizers can have a detrimental impact on your hormones, so it's important to understand how sensitive your body is to these lotions.  

For more information, contact a dermatologist at a medical center like Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists of Moreno Valley.
