Skin Cancer Screening

Have Scars On Your Face From Childhood Acne? 2 Tips To Get A Clearer Face

If you have scars on your face because you had a lot of acne while you were growing up, this can make you feel bad about yourself. Many times, acne scars are due to popping or picking at pimples instead of waiting for them to go away naturally. Some acne is so deep into the skin that it alone leaves scars behind even if you did not pick at your face. Fortunately, there are ways you can take care of this problem. Below are two of them so you can get started having a clearer face.

Use Baking Soda

You can try many natural treatments to help with your acne scars. These treatments will likely not remove them completely, however, but can fade them. Baking soda is one way you can do this, and you may already have this in your kitchen.

Baking soda works well because it is made of sodium bicarbonate crystals. If you make a facial scrub, these crystals exfoliate your skin. Over time, enough skin cells may be removed to dramatically reduce the look of your acne scars.

To make a scrub put approximately two teaspoons of the baking soda in a bowl and add water to make a thick paste. Massage the baking soda paste on your acne scars, and let it sit on your face for approximately five minutes. During this time, the baking soda is cleaning out your pores as an added benefit. When the time is up, wash your face off with water until the baking soda is gone. Do this several times per week to notice results.

See a Dermatologist

If you want to completely get rid of your acne scars you should see a dermatologist. They can use many treatments for this problem. One thing they may do is a chemical peel. This is peeling off one or more layers of your skin until only healthy skin is revealed.

The dermatologist may also suggest filler injections. With this, they inject a special filler into the acne scar to fill it in so it is not noticeable. The fillers will have to be reinjected periodically, however.

There is a treatment known as laser resurfacing. With this, the dermatologist uses a special layer to go across the scars. As in a chemical peel, the layer removes layers of skin.

Your dermatologist can tell you the best treatment for the type of acne scars you have. Along with this, they will likely prescribe an ointment to further help with your scarring.

Once you have no more acne scars follow a good skincare routine to prevent acne from coming back again. A dermatologist can help you develop this routine.
